An original bank letter to be issued by the bank of the head office and its validity should be within 3 months 银行资信证明原件(应对公司的资金运作情况和信誉做出评价。自开出之日起三个月有效。 )
1 it is not an original document . this must be an original bank statement issued on bank letter head . i cannot accept a photocopy 它不是原件,在文件的头上端必须是银行的原始文件,我不接受复印件。
1 it is not an original document . this must be an original bank statement issued on bank letter head . i cannot accept a photocopy 这个不是正本文件。文件必须是银行用其抬头纸开据。我不能接受影印本。
A former company director was sentenced to 11 months imprisonment for setting up a " shelf company " to defraud from two banks letters of credit facilities worth 5 . 6 million based on bogus business tr 一名前公司董事私下开设空壳公司,伪造虚假商业交易纪录,骗取两间银行共五百六十万元信用状贷款,被判入狱十一个月。