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baggar’s banquet
乞丐盛宴  detail>>
a banquet
一席酒  detail>>
at the banquet
在宴会上  detail>>
 n.  (通常指正式的)宴会,请客;酒席。 give [hold] a banquet 举行宴会。 a state banquet 国宴。 a regular banq...  detail>>
the banquet
豪门夜宴 小宴 夜宴  detail>>
a grand banquet
席面很大  detail>>
a regular banquet
天堂盛宴  detail>>
attend the banquet
参加宴会  detail>>
banquet attendant
宴会厅服务员  detail>>
banquet ballet
欢宴芭蕾  detail>>
banquet camera
大型照相机  detail>>
banquet catering
宴会用膳食  detail>>
banquet etiquette
宴会礼仪  detail>>
banquet facilities
宴会设施  detail>>
banquet hall
宴会厅  detail>>
banquet management
宴会管理  detail>>
banquet of brine
诗涕泪滂沱  detail>>
banquet room
宴会室 宴会厅  detail>>