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Chinese translation for "back talk"


Related Translations:
talking:  adj.(会)说话的;多嘴的;富于表情的(眼睛等)。 a talking doll 会叫的洋娃娃。 a talking iron 〔美俚〕手枪。
talk:  vi.谈话,商谈,(用动作等)表示意思;(用无线电)通信;饶舌,唠叨;空谈;(开水壶)嚷叫,发响。vt.讲,谈;谈着消磨(光阴);谈论;讲着话使…(into; out of)。 Let's sit down and talk. 让我们坐下来谈谈。 Talk in English 用英语讲。 Talk English 讲英语。 Talk politics 谈政治。 Talk
top talks:  最高级会谈。
talk radio:  谈话广播节目。
foul talk:  猥亵的谈话。
cross talk:  (电话)串话,串线;斗嘴,争论,口角;对口相声。
chalk talk:  (用粉笔在黑板上边作图、边作说明的)图示演说[讲课]。
clean talk:  清谈。
town talk:  街谈巷议。
proximity talks:  毗邻会谈〔谈判双方各自占用相邻近而被分隔开的场所,由调停人来往传话进行的外交会谈〕。
Example Sentences:
1.I want a good , clean game and no back talk
2.Once around the park , and drive slowly . and none of your back talk
3.- has anyone seen dean ? - oh , he ' s in the back talking to dan
-有人见到迪恩吗? -他在后面和丹说话
4.Has anyone seen dean ? - oh , he ' s in the back talking to dan
有人见到迪恩吗? -他在后面和丹说话
5.Oh . back talk
6.I was being punished , at those times , for some falling - out with mymother , some back talk or intransigence
7.He worked hard and always did his duties quickly , without any complaining or back talk . the gaos thought a lot of him
8.He worked hard and always did his duties quickly , without any complaining or back talk . the gaos thought a lot of him
9.Q : arethe korean top players really so friendly towards eachother oristhere lot of behind eachothers back talking going on too ? istherea black sheep in korean scene : d
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