Adelie penguins , for instance , employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual 比如说吧,对大型企鹅来讲,张大嘴打哈欠就是它们求偶仪式中的一部分。
Adelie penguins live on the antarctic continent and on many small , surrounding coastal islands . they spend the winter offshore in the seas surrounding the antarctic pack ice 阿德利企鹅生活在南极大陆和周边许多小岛上。整个冬天他们都会在南极冰盖周围的海上度过。
It may be , therefore , that when your entry upon the scene inspires a round of uncontrollable yawning , you have merely stumbled onto a gaggle of adelie penguins in disguise , who are signaling their powerful erotic longing for you 你是误打误撞进看到了它们为求偶摆出的伪装。它们向你发出色眯眯的信号,诚然希望很渺茫,不过那是它们饥不择食的计策拉。