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Saints and serpents : in abruzzo , a christian ritual whose roots are pagan 圣人与蛇:在阿布鲁佐,有一个充满异教氛围的基督教仪式
An abandoned church looms above a field of poppies in the mountainous region of abruzzo 亚布鲁索山区,一座荒废了的教堂被丛生的罂粟所包围。
Trebbiano is a one of the most prominent grape in piemonte ; and usually abruzzo produces the best trebbiano - based whites 特利比安奴葡萄是彼蒙特区最重要的葡萄之一;而阿布鲁素是产最好的特利比安奴白酒。
The famous rustichella d abruzzo pasta is exclusively chosen by the leading hotels and prestige restaurants around the world . its traditional flavour and premium quality give the excellent taste of italian cuisine 意大利传统风味意粉,顶级品质早已享负盛名,世界各地多间五星级酒店及高级曙u指定采用。
" the celebrated cucumetto , pursued in the abruzzo , driven out of the kingdom of naples , where he had carried on a regular war , had crossed the garigliano , like manfred , and had taken refuge on the banks of the amasine between sonnino and juperno . he strove to collect a band of followers , and followed the footsteps of decesaris and gasperone , whom he hoped to surpass “大名鼎鼎,在那不勒斯闹得天翻地覆的古古密陀,在阿布鲁被人追得走投无路,被赶出了那不勒斯的国境,他就象曼弗雷德那样越过了加里利亚诺山,穿过了松尼诺和耶伯那交界的地方,逃避到了阿马森流域。