| 1. | I have a wide range of interests 我有广泛的兴趣爱好 |
| 2. | She has a wide range of interests 她的兴趣很广泛。 |
| 3. | She has a wide range of interest 她有广泛的兴趣爱好 |
| 4. | Some schools do offer a wide range of interesting subjects , but only for those who have already been labeled as failures 有些学校的确开设了各种各样有趣的课程,但仅仅是为那些已经被列为失败者的学生设立的。 |
| 5. | A variety of skills are taught while using a wide range of interesting and fabulous materials to stimulate creativity 学生们会尝试到不同的绘画技巧和表现手法,而且我们还会提供许多别开生面的材料来配合他们的创作。 |
| 6. | He has a wide range of interests and hobbies which include stamp collecting , photography , travel , music , ice hockey , swimming , wind surfing , as well as reading classic literature ancient history 他的兴趣广泛,爱好集邮摄影旅游音乐冰上曲棍球游泳风帆以及阅读古典文学及古代历史。 |
| 7. | This year , over a hundred exhibitors at the festival offered a wide range of interesting information on relaxation and meditation techniques , sound therapy , yoga , feng shui geomancy and vegetarian cooking with demonstrations 今年总共有百馀家参展单位,提供了包罗万象引人入胜的各类资讯,参展内容有教人放松及打坐技巧,以及音疗法瑜珈风水和素食烹调示范等等。 |
| 8. | Biotech may be just a word , but it conjures many meanings , and provokes a wide range of interest and reaction . raise the subject of biotechnology at the dinner table and your friends will likely suggest a number of different definitions and points of view 安大略省ontario是加拿大最大的省份,省政府近来大力推动生技产业,拨款2000万加币打造mars区不是那个遥远的红色行星火星 |
| 9. | He stresses " likeness in spirit rather than in form " , and regards translation as a " divine undertaking " which demands a " particular serious attitude " from translators ; he also holds that a translator is expected to have a wide range of interest and knowledge , and that the question of letters in literary translation is also the question of literary vision 包括: “不在形似而在神似” ;视文学翻译工作为“崇高神圣的事业” ,翻译态度要“特别郑重” ;译者“趣味”要“广” , “涵义”要“杂”而“精” ;文学翻译“文字问题基本上也是艺术眼光问题”等几个层面。 |
| 10. | Economic anthropology covers a wide range of interests , such as describing people ' s ways of production , exchange , distribution and consumption , understanding how these systems are organized and operated , and establishing theories to depict the framework and influence of systems and the impetus of economic operation 它的领域比较广泛,不仅描述人们的生产、交换、分配和消费方式,以及这些系统如何组织、动作,还包括建立理论来描述制度脉络和影响,经济运作的动力等。 |