| 1. | The armistice did not spare france a pang . 停战协定并未使法国免遭剧烈的创伤。 |
| 2. | Whenever she mentioned her mother, it gave a pang to the heart of poor eliner . 每当她提到母亲,可怜的埃丽诺便觉得心脏猛然下沉。 |
| 3. | A pang of exquisite suffering-a throe of true despair-rent and heaved my heart . 一阵极度痛苦的剧痛--一阵真正绝望的苦闷--撕裂着和冲击着我的心。 |
| 4. | He felt a pang of alarm, which sharpened when he found he could think of nothing to say . 他感到一阵惊讶,而由于找不出话来说,惊讶的感觉就更加强烈了。 |
| 5. | She was not there, and the discovery gave him a pang out of all proportion to its seriousness . 他发觉她不在场时所感到的失望与事态的严重性远远不能相比。 |
| 6. | Poor dorothea felt a pang at the thought that the labour of her husband's life might be void . 可怜的多萝西娅想到她丈夫毕生的努力可能会付之东流就悲痛难忍。 |
| 7. | Never had she known such a pang of utter and final hopelessness. it was beyond death, so utterly null, deserted . 她从未尝过这种绝望的滋味,被彻底地遗弃,完全地否定,真是比死亡还痛苦。 |
| 8. | A pang shot through him at the memor of his lamplit hours in the low-studded drawing-room. few as they had been, they were thick with memories . 他回忆起在那饰钉钉得很低,点着煤油灯的客厅里度过的几个钟头,一阵剧痛猛然向他袭来。尽管只有为时极短的几个小时,但却令人回味无穷。 |
| 9. | A pang of fear shot through my heart 一阵恐惧猛地袭上了我的心头。 |
| 10. | This sent a pang through his heart 这使他心里一阵刺痛。 |