An aquarium in japan is now boasting 3 rare whale sharks 日本一水族馆内正在夸耀其馆内的3条稀有的鲸鲨。
An aquarium in japan is now boasting 3 rare whale sharks 日本的一家水族馆因拥有3条稀有的鲸鲨而声名大振。
In a decade the average size has shrunk from seven metres to five metres 鲸鲨的平均长度在十年内从7米减到了5米。
More like a whale than a shark , the whale shark only uses its teeth for eating plankton 鲸鲨较像鲸,而不像鲨,只在吃浮游生物时才用到牙齿。
Whale sharks spotted off the coast of australia are getting smaller , researchers have said 据研究人员介绍,常在澳大利亚海岸出没的鲸鲨变得越来越小。
The whale shark , the world ' s largest fish , can grow to be over 15 m long and weigh over 18 tons 世界上最大的鱼类鲸鲨可长达十五公尺以上,重达十八吨以上。
The oceans boast world - class diving with a kaleidoscope of fish patrolling sprawling reefs and creaking shipwrecks 有笼罩在烟雾中的丛林,躁动不安的火山,有巨大的鲸鲨,还有其它种类的阴险狡猾的鲨鱼。
The fish is listed as " vulnerable " , and one of the authors of the new study has described the new finding as " a very worrying sign " 鲸鲨已被列为"濒危物种" ,研究报告的撰写者之一说这个新发现是个"十分令人担忧的信号" 。