[ yǐnzhōng ] feelings or troubles one wishes to keep to oneself
Example Sentences:
Delicate little reservations were cloying him . 种种微妙难言的隐衷萦结在他的心头。
Each felt for the other , and of course for themselves ; and their mother talked on , of her dislike of mr . darcy , and her resolution to be civil to him only as mr . bingley s friend , without being heard by either of them 她们彼此体贴,各有隐衷。母亲依旧在唠叨不休,说她颇不喜欢达西先生,只因为看他究竟还是彬格莱先生的朋友,所以才客客气气地接待他一番。这些话姐妹俩都没有听见。
Mystery of the course of this small brook ; fearing , perhaps , that , with its never - ceasing loquacity , it should whisper tales out of the heart of the old forest whence it flowed , or mirror its revelations on 所有这些大树和巨石似乎有意为这条小小的溪流蒙上一层神秘的色彩或许是害怕它那喋喋不休的多嘴多舌会悄悄道出它所流经的古老树林的内心秘密,或者是害怕它那流过池塘时的光滑水面会映出其隐衷。
" after mentioning the likelihood of this marriage to her ladyship last night , she immediately , with her usual condescension , expressed what she felt on the occasion ; when it become apparent , that on the score of some family objections on the part of my cousin , she would never give her consent to what she termed so disgraceful a match “昨夜不佞曾与夫人提及此次联姻可能成为事实,深蒙夫人本其平日推爱之忱,以其隐衷见告。彼谓此事千万不能赞同,盖以令嫒门户低微,缺陷太多,若竟而与之联姻实在有失体统。
To jane , he could be only a man whose proposals she had refused , and whose merit she had undervalued ; but to her own more extensive information , he was the person to whom the whole family were indebted for the first of benefits , and whom she regarded herself with an interest , if not quite so tender , at least as reasonable and just as what jane felt for bingley 吉英只知道他向她求婚,被她拒绝过,她还低估过他的长处,殊不知伊丽莎白的隐衷绝不仅如此而已,她认为他对她们全家都有莫大的恩典,她因此对他另眼看待。她对他的情意即使抵不上吉英对彬格莱那样深切,至少也象吉英对待彬格莱一样地合情合理,恰到好处。