| 1. | He uncovered layer on layer of hidden weariness . 他隐藏着的厌烦一层一层地暴露出来了。 |
| 2. | The forests adorn the earth-but shelter the serpent and the lion . 森林装饰着大地,但也隐藏着毒蛇和狮子。 |
| 3. | And it was possible that her reserve concealed a very deep feeling . 在她的缄默后面也可能隐藏着深挚的感情。 |
| 4. | The apparent simplicity of this concept conceals innumerable snags . 这种表面很简单的概念却隐藏着无数的暗礁。 |
| 5. | He smiled, but there was some other emotion just below the surface . 他笑了笑,但在他的微笑中隐藏着一种难以捉摸的情感。 |
| 6. | His jacket, i know, concealed a body brace which supported his spine . 我知道在他的外衣里面隐藏着一付支撑着他脊椎骨的支架。 |
| 7. | Faber wondered what the trauma was that lay at the back of their distance . 费伯想弄清,在他们之间的鸿沟里,到底隐藏着什么创伤。 |
| 8. | You couldn't tell what dark thoughts lurked behind their wide-set eyes . 你说不上,在他们那双相距很远的眼睛后面究竟隐藏着什么见不得人的念头。 |
| 9. | Behind the film of obsequiousness was an attitude of vast superiority that always set logan on edge . 在这种谄媚的烟幕背后,却隐藏着一种非常自命不凡的态度,这常使洛根看了生气。 |
| 10. | Only by reading between the lines can one follow the unsparing analysis beneath the imperturbable surface . 只有从字里行间体会言外之意,读者才能理解在不动声色的表面底下隐藏着的毫不留情的分析。 |