苞: Ⅰ名词1.(苞片; 包着花骨朵的小叶片) bud; the calyx of a flower 短语和例子含苞未放 still in bud [calyx]; in early puberty; still a virgin; 开苞 blossom2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子苞华 bao huaⅡ形容词[书面语] (丛生而繁密) luxuriant; pro
R . fictolacteatum very rare and very easy to be destroyed because the local people cut the oak tree and char them 假乳黄杜鹃属国家三级保护植物,此次调查仅有少量见于文海西边高山栎林与长苞冷杉林混合的边缘。