| 1. | Alumina carbon refractory products for continuous casting 连铸用铝炭质耐火制品 |
| 2. | The design and features of no . 2 bloom caster in pansteel 大方坯连铸机的设计及特点 |
| 3. | Research on flow path of hot metal in beam blank mould 异型坯连铸结晶器内流场 |
| 4. | Two - dimensional steady - state heat - transfer model of 热型连铸过程的二维稳态传热模型 |
| 5. | Slab ccm segment suspension system design 板坯连铸机扇形段吊装更换系统的设计 |
| 6. | Research on technology of splitting continuous cast slab 连铸板坯切分轧制工艺的研究 |
| 7. | Calculation of slab ' s bulge size in continuous casting 连铸板坯鼓肚量的计算 |
| 8. | Technical progress in 1450 continuous casting at baosteel 宝钢1450连铸生产技术的进步 |
| 9. | Study on mold flux of thin slab continuous casting 薄板坯连铸保护渣研究 |
| 10. | Researches on magnesium alloys strip casting 薄带连铸镁合金的研究与思考 |