I was so good to him; i never crossed him . 我对他那么慈爱,从来不违拗他。
Victor henry had never before had a clash of wills with hopkins . 维克多亨利以前从未违拗过霍普金斯的意愿。
Victor henry had never before had a clash of wills with hopkins 维克多?亨利以前从未违拗过霍普金斯的意愿。
Have i ever thwarted you 难道我违拗你吗?
This is certain , for the people throughout the country demand it , and so do the current of china ' s historical development and the whole trend of world affairs . who can resist it 这是一定的,因为全国人民要这样做,中国的历史发展要这样做,整个世界的趋势要我们这样做,谁能违拗这个方向呢?