This experiment was designed according to the special soil moisture in the north in china as well as the different water requirements in the different growth periods of the maize . the author put forward a practical technique by comparing the water - supply conditions in the different periods of time and ensuring the growth target and the yield target under the best water - supply condition 针对北方旱区土壤水分运动存在冬季缓慢散墒、春季进入强烈跑墒期以及玉米在不同生长期需水差异这一特点,试验设计提出了节水渗灌这一技术的田间试验方案,比较不同时期的供水状况,最后确认在最佳的供水条件下的玉米生长指标及产量指标,提出一套较实用的玉米渗灌节水生产技术。