开豁: 1.(宽阔; 爽朗) open and clear 短语和例子雾气一散, 四处显得十分开豁。 with the lifting of the mist, the view opened up.2.(思想开阔) with one's mental outlook broadened 短语和例子她的一番话使他的心里开豁了。 her words widened his horiz
With the lifting of the mist , the view opened up . 雾气一散,四处显得十分开豁。
There is a breach in the wall . 墙上豁了一个口子。
With the production of inventions and discoveries, and with the growth of institutions, the human mind necessarily grew and expanded . 随着发明和发现的产生,随着制度的发展,人类的心灵也必然因之而愈来愈开豁。
It is probable that local furrows and wider depressions, caused by buckling of the accumulated silicate layers during tectonic movements . 可能有局部沟豁以及宽的坳陷,在构造运动过程中由堆积的硅酸盐层弯曲造成。
Jia no 30 qi jia huo zi hua yan bei li de sheng men wai 朝阳区德胜门外祁家豁子华严北里甲30号
Securities and futures unsolicited calls exclusion rules 证券及期货豁除某等未获邀约的造访规则
Exclusion from application of the electronic transaction ordinance cap . 553 豁除纳入电子交易条例的适用范围
Secretary may make orders excluding application of section 5 , 6 , 7 or 8 局长可订立命令豁除第5 、 6 、 7或8条的适用
Exclusion from application of the electronic transaction ordinance ( cap . 553 ) 豁除纳入《电子交易条例》的适用范围