And avoid sharp peak , the steepest , slipperiest and sharpest summit of the lot 同时,不要上蚺蛇尖,这是最陡峭难行的山峰。
8 oxfam trailwalker training and hiking activities to pat sin leng , luk keng , lai chi wo , sharp peak , man cheung po and tai o 八次乐施毅行者练习及八仙岭、鹿颈、 ?枝窝、蚺蛇尖、万丈布及大澳远足活动
It is commonly believed that some species of reptile for example the varanus spp , most pythons and poison dart frogs frogs that are bred artificially and non - poisonous are not allowed to be imported and kept as pets . is it true 有传某些爬虫类如巨蜥varanus spp ,大部份的蟒蛇和蚺蛇,及毒箭蛙poison dart frogs人工繁殖及被证明不含毒性的个体均一律被禁止入口作私人饲养,是否属实?
As you descend from sai wan shan further along the trail you will come to one of my favourite spots , from which you can see in the distance the four beaches of tai long wan , with sharp peak standing rather condescendingly in the background 从西湾山下来,继续沿麦理浩径走,就会去到我最喜爱的景点之一。在这里,可以远眺大浪湾的四个沙滩,再远一点居高临下俯瞰大浪湾的山峰,就是蚺蛇尖。
The very experienced and fit hikers can instead go over to the far end of tai wan where they can take on the challenging sharp peak before returning via nam she au and tai long au , etc . remember to bring along a copy of the 2002 hkma annual report 当然,经验丰富体能又好的远足朋友则可以从咸田尽头,跨过小山,去到大湾,再从大湾的尽头,走上险要的蚺蛇尖,然后才经蚺蛇坳及大浪坳等返回北潭涌。