| 1. | I believe that the legend is rubbish . 我认为这种传说,未免荒诞不经。 |
| 2. | Tall tales have a certain sameness . 荒诞不经的故事有点千篇一律。 |
| 3. | Such things were impossible. it seemed monstrous even to think of them . 这种事情是不可能的。光是想想都觉得荒诞不经。 |
| 4. | We tell each other the most absurd stories with the most serious faces . 我们装着最正经的面孔,彼此说些最荒诞不经的鬼话。 |
| 5. | I dare say you think me eccentric, or supersensitive, or something absurd . 你当然要说我这是乖僻古怪,或者说过于敏感,或者说荒诞不经的了。 |
| 6. | There was something so captivating in his light way of touching these fantastic strings . 他轻描淡写地说出这些荒诞不经的想法时,他的态度是非常动人的。 |
| 7. | The tall tale has here, one may think(as in the nevada atom bomb), reached its ultimate . 荒诞不经的故事发展到这一步,我们可以说(正如内华达的原子弹)已经达到它的极致了。 |
| 8. | Puns exasperate after a while, tall tales have a certain sameness, misspelling is a strain to read . 双关语用滥了看了令人生厌,荒诞不经的故事有点千篇一律,错误的拼写使人读起来特别吃力。 |
| 9. | Some of haldeman's descriptions were on the mark, others were bizarre, the whole concept was irrelevant . 霍尔德曼的有些描述是中肯的,其他一些则简直是荒诞不经;而整个看法则是牛头不对马嘴。 |
| 10. | Some of haldeman's descriptions were on the amrk; others were bizarre; the whole concept was irrelevant . 霍尔德曼的有些描述是中肯的,其它一些则简直是荒诞不经,而整个看法则是牛头不对马嘴。 |