逊: Ⅰ动词(让出) abdicateⅡ形容词1.(谦虚; 谦恭) modest 短语和例子出言不逊 speak insolently; 谦逊 modest2.[书面语](差; 比不上; 不及) inferior 短语和例子稍逊一筹 be slightly inferiorⅢ名词(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子逊狄 xun di
范: 名词1.[书面语] (模子) pattern; mould; matrix 短语和例子铁范 iron mould2.(模范; 榜样) model; example 短语和例子规范 model of conduct; 典范 example3.(范围) boundary; limits 短语和例子闺范 rules of propriety for ladies and marr
翰: 名词[书面语]1.(毛笔) writing brush 短语和例子挥翰 wield one's writing brush; write (with a brush)2.(笔迹; 文字) writing 短语和例子华翰 your letter3.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子翰胡 han hu