The scottish love of deep - fried food is reflected in this portrait of poet and national hero robert burns 人们对油炸薯条的热爱在英国苏格兰诗人和民族英雄罗伯特?彭斯的薯条画像上得到了极好的体现。
The so - called northern and southern lights glow and shimmer colorfully in what 19th century scottish poet w . e . aytoun described as streamers shooting all night long across the trembling sky 19世纪的苏格兰诗人w . e . a曾把所谓的南北部闪耀的色彩缤纷的光芒描述为整夜横贯天空的彩色纸带。
The so - called northern and southern lights glow and shimmer colorfully in what 19th century scottish poet w . e . aytoun described as streamers shooting all night long across the trembling sky 19世纪苏格兰诗人w ? e ?亚敦,把所谓的北极光和南极光闪耀着多彩的光芒描述成整夜划过夜空闪闪发光的饰带。