[ fùxīn ] 1.(比喻要害或中心) vital part 短语和例子 腹心之患 a disease in one's very vitals; a disease affecting the viscera2.(比喻很亲近的人) trusted subordinate; reliable agent; henchman 短语和例子 腹心之交 a bosom friend3.(比喻诚意) true thoughts and feelings 短语和例子 敢布腹心 venture to air some of my views; 腹心系膜 ventral mesocardium
Xinxiang has been the centre of chinese civilization since ancient times 摘要新乡自古即为华夏文明腹心地带。
Wushan county lies in the most east of chongqing municipality , in the middle of three - gorge reservoir area , and the regional zone of high gorge calm lake , which possess the advantage of locating at the point of the east and the west of the three - gorge reservoir area 重庆市巫山县地处长江三峡腹心、高峡平湖地带,在三峡库区具有承东启西的地理位置优势,是西部开发和长江生态建设的重点县。
The day government office feed processing of raw material limited company ( main corporation ) is situated at the essence or quintessence of things tianbao , the human outstanding earth deities , the climate temperate , the product is rich , land of abundance intimate region , west china key city ? ? chengdu 天府饲料原料加工有限公司(总公司)地处物华天宝、人杰地灵、气候温和、物产丰富,天府之国腹心地域,中国西部中心城市? ?成都市。
Located at the joint point of yangtze river and jialing river , jiulongpo district , which lies east to the yuzhong district , north to the shapingba district , south to the chongqing economy and technology development zone , and west to the entrance of cheng - yu expressway , is one of the centers of chongqing urban area 九龙坡区地处长江与嘉陵江交汇的腹心地带,东邻渝中区,北壤沙坪坝区,南接市经济技术开发区,西踞成渝高速公路大门,是重庆主城核心区之一。
In 1980s diet bamboo of the giant panda was blooming . all these are responsible for the decrease of the population size of the giant panda . to prevent the further degradation of the panda habitats and protect this endangered species , we should assess impacts of human duisturbance on the giant panda and its habitats 为确切掌握大熊猫的数量、分布、栖息地环境等情况,制定切实可行的保护管理计划,我们以王朗自然保护区的大熊猫调查资料对其栖息地情况进行了详细研究,王朗自然保护区是岷山的腹心地带,保护好这个大熊猫种群是保护大熊猫物种的重要组成部分。
Yibin lies in southern of sichuan basic , the first city along changjiang river ten thousand lies cruise . it is the converge spot of jinsha , min and changjiang river . it is an ancient city , over 2000 years history , the famous liquor production capital , over 3000years making spirits history , the hometown of the world - famous wuliangye 宜宾市位于四川盆地南缘,川、滇、黔三省结合部,处于大西南的腹心地带,金沙江、岷江、长江汇合处,是长江经济带西端的支撑点,是国家16个重点开发区之一? ? “攀西? ?六盘水地区”的重要组成部分。