满足化与适应性的合理决策: satisfying and adaptively rational decisionsatisfyingandadaptivelyrationaldecision
能源: the sources of energy; energy resources; energy source; energy◇能源短缺 energy shortage; 能源工业 energy industry; 能源构成 energysource composition; 能源管理 energy control; 能源合作 cooperation in the field
Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - part 2 - 1 : rational use of energy - general 家用燃气烹饪器具.第2 - 1部分:能源的合理利用.总则
Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - part 2 - 2 : rational use of energy ; appliances having forced - convection ovens and or grills ; german version en 30 - 2 - 2 : 1999 家用燃气灶具.第2 - 2部分:能源的合理利用.强制对流式
People ' s governments at the municipal and county levels shall allocate funds for energy conservation according to their actual conditions in order to support rational utilization of energy and exploitation of new and renewable energy resources 市、县人民政府根据实际情况安排节能资金,用于支持能源的合理利用以及新能源和可再生能源的开发。