But the act shamelessly after he has been received , say me batteries bang up 但他收到过后耍无赖,说我把电池弄坏了。
I think like the man behind a register evergreen smokin estates , rhyme and power made me treasurer 我不怕伤害你别耍无赖不想再重来跟你说byebye
He was restive all through it ; he kept tally of the details of the prayer , unconsciously - for he was not listening , but he knew the ground of old , and the clergyman s regular route over it - and when a little trifle of new matter was interlarded , his ear detected it and his whole nature resented it ; he considered additions unfair , and scoundrelly 他记录下祷告词的详细内容,不过是无意识地这么做因为他没有听,但是他熟悉牧师先生惯弹的老调,惯用的陈词罢了每当祷告词里加进一点新内容时,他的耳朵立刻就能辨别出来,而且浑身上下都不舒服。他认为加进去的太不合适,也不光明正大,简直是在耍无赖。