If you climb one more mountain if could be your last 你若再费筹谋,恐会折福折寿
Moreover , it is always better to anticipate greater problems and take early action to address them 把困难想得多一点,预作筹谋,有好处。
Services centres are specially set up to arrange for referral of retrainees to save the time and effort of employers 特设专门服务站,安排学员转介,雇主无须筹谋
The census and statistics department offers a number of statistics which help executives to make strategic decisions 政府统计处提供的各种统计数字,有助企业筹谋营商策略,作出业务上的决策。
I am happy to have these two dedicated rotarians working on this single most important project in the next few months 二位资深社友能拨冗为未来数月中本区最重要扶轮活动筹谋,可谓深庆得人。
Eventually , the ceremony was held indoor . on the first day , our hosts held a dinner in honour of the district 3450 delegates 我们俞早筹谋,推广相互扶持的意识,俞是对人类发展里程,有所增益。
Thinner margins and lower returns will put a strain on employers , while workers will face pay adjustments and rationalisation of staff numbers 雇主要为生意减少和盈利下降而筹谋,雇员则要面对减薪和裁员的威胁,双方都各有难处。
Thinner margins and lower returns will put a strain on employers , while workers will face pay adjustments and rationalisation of staff numbers 雇主要为生意减少和盈利下降而筹谋,雇员则要面对减薪和裁员的威胁,双方都各有难处。
Thinner margins and lower returns will put a strain on employers , while workers will face pay adjustments and rationalisation of staff numbers 雇主要为生意减少和盈利下降而筹谋,雇员更要面对减薪和裁员的威胁,双方都各有很大的难处。
" to stay ahead of the criminals , it is essential to continually review our strategies , improve our skills and plan ahead , " mr tang added 唐英年补充说:对付不法之徒,如要稳占上风,我们必须不断检讨策略,更新知识和技巧,并及早筹谋计划。