[ qióngbīngdúwǔ ] exhaust all resources to build up one's military power; adopt a warlike policy; be militaristic; engage in unjust military ventures [aggressions]; exhaust the troops and engage in war; wage sanguinary wars; love wars and military exploits; use all one's armed might to indulge in wars of aggression
Hitler was a deep-dyed villain to most . 大多数人视希特勒为一穷兵黩武的混世魔王。
The gaels were a military and oppressive aristocracy . 盖尔人是一个穷兵黩武,专横暴戾的贵族阶层。
I do not say this in any spirit of bravado or belligerence . 我说这句话并不是虚张声势,也不是穷兵黩武。
Despotic control was more important than economic prosperity , or even military strength . 暴虐控制,重于经济繁荣,甚至重于穷兵黩武。
A connected museum paints japan in its wars of 1937 - 45 as the liberator of asia , a victim of western belligerency 于是游就馆就将日本粉饰成1937 - 1945年战争的亚洲解放者和西方穷兵黩武的受害者。
Japan remains our key ally in the pacific . but more , we believe it is a great power with global interests and a natural partner for the united states around the world 他说: “我们有着自从民族国家兴起以来的最佳机会… …建立一个强国和平竞争而不是穷兵黩武的世界。 ”
Throughout the 20th century , small groups of men seized control of great nations , built armies and arsenals , and set out to dominate the weak and intimidate the world 这一威胁是新产生的;美国的职责一如既往。在整个20世纪,一小撮人控制了一些重要国家,穷兵黩武企图弱肉强食、恐吓世界。
China does not want to antagonise the unpredictable mr kim ; and it is keen to draw south korea closer in the game of regional rivalries ( both countries have rows with japan over disputed islands ) 中国不愿意使喜怒无常的金正日更加穷兵黩武;同时在东亚地区对抗的博弈中试图拉拢韩国(两个国家都与日本在争议岛屿问题上龌龊频繁) 。