秋: 名词1.(秋季) autumn; [美国] fall 短语和例子秋风 autumn wind; 深秋 late autumn; 在初秋 in early autumn; 在一九九二年秋 in the fall of 19922.(庄稼成熟时节) harvest time 短语和例子麦秋 time for the wheat harvest3.(一年的时间) year 短语和
舞: Ⅰ名词1.(舞蹈) dance; dancing 短语和例子交谊舞 social dance; ballroom dance; 腰鼓舞 drum dance; 摇摆舞 rock and roll2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子舞明 wu mingⅡ动词1.(舞蹈; 做出舞蹈的动作) dance; move about as in a dance 短语和例子漫天飞