Investigation on iodine nutrition status of urban preschool children in lanzhou 兰州市城区学龄前儿童碘营养状况的调查
Investigation on iodine nutritional status and thyroid goiter prevalence of residents in tianjin after salt iodination 天津市食盐加碘后甲状腺肿大率与碘营养状况的调查
Comparison of iodine nutrition level of major crowds living around qinghai lake before and after taking iodine - oil pill 环青海湖地区重点人群投服碘油丸前后碘营养状况的调查
Assessment of iodine intake in population of zichuan district of zibo city during stage of preliminary eliminating iodine deficiency 山东淄博市阶段消除碘缺乏病后居民碘营养状况评估
Iodine nutritional state of children after supplementation of iodized salt or iodized salt and iodized oil capsule in iodine deficiency regions 碘缺乏病区食用碘盐和碘油碘盐并用学生碘营养状况