[ mùzhōngwúrén ] to one's eyes there is no other; care for nobody; treat others with contempt; put on airs and look down on other people; consider everyone beneath one's notice; having no respect for anyone; look down one's nose at everyone; be supercilious; be overweening; get [grow] too big for one's boots; far gone in pride; with one's nose in the air; proud and haughty 短语和例子 他少年得志,目中无人,不过没有表露出来。he thought too much of himself and was getting too big for his boots, though he kept his thoughts to himself. 你看她的神气, 简直是目中无人。 just look at the airs she's giving herself, looking down her nose at everybody
你看她的神气简直是目中无人: just look at the airs she's giving herself looking down her nose at everybody
Example Sentences:
His snubbing way had irritated her . 他那副目中无人的样子激怒了她。
But he is too defiant too cavalier ! 但是他太目中无人了,太傲慢了!
It imparts a hectic, swaggering quality to the book . 它使这部小说有了一种目中无人的狂妄味道。
For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him . 目中无人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。
He thought too much of himself and was getting too big for his boots , though he kept his thoughts to himself . 他少年得志,目中无人,不过没有表露出来。
This was what came of early indulgence, and insolence, and extravagance, and aristocratic airs . 这是由于他从小娇生惯养,目中无人,穷奢极欲,摆贵族架子的结果。
He was not tall, but he carried his head so haughtily that he looked a commanding figure . 他个子不高,可是他把头那么目中无人地昂着,使他看来象个发号施令的人物。
With a lot of people backing him up , he would naturally be giving himself airs and looking down his nose at everybody . 有人给他撑腰打气,他自然趾高气扬,目中无人了。
He was very proud, dressed like a gentleman, lived expensively, took much diversion and pleasure abroad, ran in debt, and neglected his business . 他目中无人,绅士打扮,生活奢华,经常外出寻欢作乐,债务缠身,根本不管他的事务。
Does that sound like a nice, mild, innocent, wellmannered agent, a hired broker, or doesn't it sound like a hard, defiant, contemptuous master ? 这些话听起来像是一个文雅、温和、无辜、有礼貌的代理人,一个被雇用的经纪人呢,还是像一个冷酷、大胆、目中无人的主人?