| 1. | The findings are in the may issue of the archies of dermatology 研究结果见刊于五月份的《皮肤学文献集》杂志上。 |
| 2. | The findings are in the may issue of the archives of dermatology 研究结果见刊于五月份的《皮肤学文献集》杂志上。 |
| 3. | Dr . kevin cooper , chairman of dermatology at case western reserve university , was there for the seventh year in a row to study the onset of diseases as they pertain to twins 凯斯西储大学皮肤学系主任凯文库伯博士今年已是连续第七年来特温斯堡参加双胞胎节,他的主要目的是研究双胞胎易患的皮肤病病因。 |
| 4. | A growing trend in east asia to soak up the sun either on beaches or in tanning salons is worrying dermatologists in the region who say they are seeing a rise in skin cancer , which is caused by cumulative over - exposure to the sun 东亚地区这种不断增长的日光浴热情使皮肤学家很担忧,他们说由长时间过度暴晒所引起的皮肤癌数量正在增加。 |
| 5. | A growing trend in east asia to soak up the sun either on beaches or in tanning salons is worrying dermatologists in the region who say they are seeing a rise in skin cancer , which is caused by cumulative over - exposure to the sun 在东亚,一股在沙滩上或到日光浴沙龙晒太阳的风潮愈演愈烈,皮肤学家就开始担心这种持续暴晒会增加患皮肤癌的风险。 |
| 6. | Dr . kevin cooper , chairman of dermatology at case western reserve university , was there for the seventh year in a row to study the onset of diseases as they pertain to twins . " every time we come , we learn something , " cooper said 凯斯西储大学皮肤学系主任凯文库伯博士今年已是连续第7年来特温斯堡参加双胞胎节,他的主要目的是研究双胞胎易患的皮肤病病因。 |
| 7. | A growing trend in east asia to soak up the sun either on beaches or in tanning salons is worrying dermatologists in the region who say they are seeing a rise in skin cancer , which is caused by cumulative over - exposure to the sun 在东亚,这种不断增长的无论在海滩还是在美容院的日光浴热情,使皮肤学家很担忧,他们说由长时间过度暴晒所引起的皮肤癌数量正在增加。 |
| 8. | A growing trend in east asia to soak up the sun either on beaches or in tanning salons is worrying dermatologists in the region who say they are seeing a rise in skin cancer , which is caused by cumulative over - exposure to the sun 在东亚,在沙滩上或在日光沙龙里晒日光浴呈增长趋势,亚洲的这种趋势使得皮肤学家相当担心,由于在阳光下暴晒的增加,他们发现皮肤癌的发病率上升。 |
| 9. | " the finding was unexpected and is consistent with the hypothesis that frequent tanning may be driven in part by a mild dependence on opioids , most likely endorphins , " said steven feldman , a professor of dermatology at the university . " the nausea and jitteriness induced by the medication are consistent with symptoms of mild opiate withdrawal . 浸信医学中心皮肤学教授斯蒂芬费德曼说: “这个发现很令人意外,但刚好和之前的假设一致,那就是频繁美黑也许是由于对如内啡肽等类鸦片药物的微弱依赖造成的,而那些药物引起的恶心颤抖也与缺少鸦片的状况一致。 ” |