Save for the word "whiskerandoes", there is little to connect this admirably direct description with his mardian flourishes . 除去“大胡子”这个词以外,这段写得很好的白描,和《玛地》那种华丽浮夸的文字,毫无相似之处。
A word for primary school moral curriculum 小学道德课程的特点白描
The application of geographical information system in traffic management 白描与细描在写作中的运用比较
On training students ' art quality in teaching line drawing in traditional chinese painting 白描课教学中的艺术素质培养
Bai miao is a technique of using chinese brush to draw a fine outline of an object 白描是纯用线法来画出轮廓的一种技法,最古最高的白描为游丝描。
The set of cartoons remarks of a child in bai miao style was discovered after his death 这一系列的漫画在他过世后被发现的,其中有以白描风格的漫画孩子的话系列。
The law is a kind of art , which is not a figure of speech but a simple description from another point 法学作为一门艺术,并不是一个比喻,而是另一个视角的白描。
The law is a kind of art , which is not a figure of speech but a simple description from another point 摘要法学作为一门艺术,并不是一个比喻,而是另一个视角的白描。
Her hectic schedule doesn ' t leave much time for romantic intrigue , but liu says she prefers to keep that side of her life uncluttered 她忙碌的时间表不会离开很长时间的浪漫阴谋,但刘说,她一边说,她宁愿保持生活白描
150 masterpieces of yuan qu poetry are collected in this book , especially those lyrics characterized by plain and clear description 本书选译了150首元曲,特别选取了那些白描意味浓郁、用语浅白直露、生动活泼的散曲。