All efreeti sorcerers have either been taught by nefafareen or by one of her students 所有的火怪巫师都由尼法法瑞自己或她的学生指导过。
She would be a wealthy efreet today if not for her ridiculous spending habits 如果不是因为其挥霍无度的习惯,她现在应该是个富有的火怪。
Xyron felt the kreegan demons failed all too often , so he convinced his fellow efreeti to end their alliance with them 泽恩觉得克里根的魔鬼们时常失败,因而他说服了自己的火怪同伙不再与其结盟。
Ancient even for an efreet , nefafareen is credited as the first of her kind to abandon her innate powers to wield magic 即使以火怪的标准看,尼法法瑞也是够老的了,据记载,她是同族中最早舍弃自己天生的力量转而追求魔法的火怪。
Hafir developed an intense hatred for genies after centuries of battling his blue cousins , but he ' s also developed a reputation for knowing them better than any other efreet 在长达数世纪的与其蓝皮肤表亲的战争中,哈费尔对灯神的恨意与日俱增,但他对灯神的了解也超过任何其他火怪。