满: Ⅰ形容词1.(全部充实; 达到容量的极点) full; filled; packed 短语和例子饱满 full; plump;满满一箱书 a full box of books;会场里人都满了。the assembly hall was packed with people. 果树满山坡。 the slope was covered with fruit trees. 欢声
霉: Ⅰ名词(霉菌) mould; mildew 短语和例子黑霉 black mould; 绿霉 green mould; 青霉 blue mould; 起霜霉 frosty mildew; 小麦霉 wheat mildewⅡ形容词(变质) mouldy; mildewed 短语和例子发霉 become [go] mouldy; 霉气 damp