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Chinese translation for "温度距平"

temperature anomalies
temperature anomaly
Example Sentences:
1.A nonlinear time series analysis method has been used for reconstruction of sea surface temperature ( sst ) anomalies
2.In the east of greenland and the northwest of canada , there were obvious correlation between the vertical velocity field and the temperature anomaly of the same term . but the stream field continuous anomaly region can primely explain the phenomenon
3.By use of correlation analyzing of temperature in heilongjiang province and previous general circulation or surface temperature , provision predictors are chosen to develop a predictive relationship of temperature anomaly in january or july of heilongjiang province with the theory of screening regression
通过对黑龙江气温与前期环流场和下垫面温度的相关分析,选取候选因子,用逐步回归的原理进一步筛选,建立黑龙江1月、 7月月平均温度距平的预报方程。
4.Based on summer precipitation in north china and the northern hemisphere sea level pressure ( slp ) and the pacific sea surface temperature anomaly ( ssta ) from 1900 to 2001 and ncep data from 1950 to 1999 , this paper studies inter - decadal variations of summer precipitation in north china and linkage of it and general circulation of atmosphere ( gca ) and enso cycle using eof and wavelet transform and composite analysis and correlation analysis and so on
本文采用1900 2001年华北夏季降水量、北半球海平面气压( slp ) 、太平洋海表温度距平( ssta ) 、 1950 1999年ncep资料等,利用eof 、小波变换、合成分析、相关分析等方法,研究了华北夏季降水的年代际变化及其与东亚大气环流、 enso循环的联系。
5.The climate change characteristics of precipitation in the west region of china have been analyzed and studied comprehensively based on the data of yearly , seasonal , monthly precipitation sequence and the number of rainy days on yearly . seasonal and temperature departure sequence of the globa , the northern hemisphere during the period of 1961 to 2000 at 109 stations in the west region of china
6.Furthermore , analysis on the relation between the local wind stress curl anomalies ( wsca ) and smta shows that wsca plays different roles on smta due to its different variances . there exists strong correlation between them in those regions with large variance of wsca , and the change of wsca precedes that of smta . the analysis also shows that wsca mainly affects smta by changing the depth of the thermocline
进一步分析了局地风应力旋度异常( wsca )与smta的关系,指出由于不同区域的wsca的变率不同,从而对smta的影响也不同,在wsca变率大的区域,两者具有很强的相关性,而且风应力的变化早于温度距平的变化;分析还表明, wsca主要是通过影响温跃层深度对smta产生影响的。
7.In this paper , decadal variability of tropic and north pacific ' s ssta and of precipitation in china , correlations between them and the possible mechanisms of the ssta decadal change compacting on the precipitation decadal change are analyzed by using ncep globe temperature , wind and height data ( 1948 - 2001 ) , coads ssta data ( 1900 - 2001 ) and 147 stations " precipitation data in china . results show that : ( 1 ) mid - high latitude north pacific and tropic west pacific ssta have obvious decadal change , the prior ' s decadal change has great variance and the latter ' s has great contribution in total variance , the main eigenvectors " distribution are stable in eof of tropic and north pacific ssta ' s decadal variability , the key area of the first eigenvector allots in two sides of tropic pacific ; the second one ' s allots in mid - high latitude northwest pacific and low latitude mid - east pacific which vary contrary ; the third one ' s allots in middle north pacific
本文利用ncep资料( 1948 - 2001年)中的全球表面温度场、风场、高度场资料, coads ( 1900 - 2001年)海表面温度距平资料及中国147个站点1951 - 2001年共51年的降水资料,探讨了热带及北太平洋ssta 、中国降水的年代际变化特征,夏季热带及北太平洋ssta年代际变化与中国夏季降水年代际变化的耦合相互关系以及夏季热带及北太平洋ssta年代际变化影响中国夏季降水年代际变化的可能机制,结果表明: ( 1 )北太平洋中高纬与热带西太平洋均有明显的年代际变化,北太平洋中高纬年代际变化方差显著,而热带西太平洋年代际变化方差贡献显著。
8.Based on the analyses , it was found that if the subsurface warm pool is regarded as the beginning point , the warm or cold signal propagates initially eastward and upward along the equatorial surface of msta to the eastern pacific and stays there several months and then turns north , usually moves westward near 10 to western pacific and finally propagates southward to return to warm pool to form an off - equator closed circuit . it takes about 2 to 4 years for the temperat ure anomaly to move around the cycle . if the smta of warm ( cold ) water is strong enough , there will be two successive el nino ( la nina ) events during the period of 2 to 4 years
) a事件下/负海温距平信号的分布和传播“轨迹” ,发现如果以暖池次表层为起点,则一般来说,暖水或冷水先是沿赤道的极值深度面向东、向上“传播”或运动,到达赤道东太平海盆边界附近后,分别转向向北和向南运动,然后在南、北纬10左右再折向西运动,并在暖池的经度范围内再作经向运动传到暖地,即在南、北半球以赤道为一边, “传播”或运动路径形成扁的闭合环路,温度距平运动一圈需时2 - 4年。
9.The surface of the maximum sea temperature anomaly ( msta ) was constructed from the subsurface sea temperature anomaly data in the tropical pacific from 1955 to 2002 . it is quite similar to the depth distribution of the 20 ? c isotherm , which is usually used to represent the center of the thermocline layer
利用1955 - 2002年48年热带、副热带太平洋地区次表层温度距平资料,构造了温度距平极值深度分布的曲面图( msta ) ,它很接近20温度面的深度分布,因此有理由认为这一深度曲面很接近热带温跃层的深度面。
10.With composition analyzing and significance test of simultaneous & previous general circulation and surface temperature of extreme warm or cold january & july in heilongjiang province , distinct difference can be concluded in terms of statistics between previous general circulation or surface temperature and the tempreture of heilongjiang province , which gives some evidence for predicting extreme warm or cold temperature of heilongjiang province ' s winter and summer
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