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Chinese translation for "混沌边缘"

independence war 2: edge of chaos

Related Translations:
混沌:  1.(宇宙形成前的景象) chaos; the chaotic world in prehistoric times 短语和例子混沌初开 when earth was first separated from heaven; at the dawn of civilization; 混沌状态 chaotic state; 原始的混沌状态 primal chaos2.(无知的
混沌宇宙:  chaosmos
混沌元素:  chaosium
混沌兽:  chaos beast
混沌状态:  chaotic state
混沌理论:  chaos theory
混沌界:  olam ha 'tohu
混沌军团:  chaos space marines
混沌振动:  chaotic vibration
物理混沌:  physical chaos
Example Sentences:
1.Only the alliance - based networking organization that is flexible enough to adapt , creative enough to innovate , and responsive enough to learn is able to acquire sustainable com petitive advantage and higher innovation rent at the edge of chaos
2.But self - organized criticality ( soc ) is a kind of weak chaos nature : " edge of chaos " ( non - stable steady state ) , appearing only in the specific space - time region in specific stage at self organization process of crustal movement
“自组织临界态” ( soc )是一种弱混沌性质的“混沌边缘态” (非稳定定态) ,只出现于地壳运动自组织过程特定阶段中的特定时空域。
3.The author analyzed systematically the present status of the four research areas of self - organized criticality , transient chaos , the edge of chaos and weak chaos in the science of complexity and concluded that , the four research areas are actually different approaches for probing into the essence of the same problem ? the spatio - temporal evolution of open , far - from - equilibrium , interacting , large , dissipative dynamical systems in nature
4.The author further summarized the interrelationships among the four areas into an important proposition : the spatio - temporal evolution of open , far - from - equilibrium , interacting , large , dissipative dynamical systems in nature complies to the “ dynamics of self - organized critical processes ” , and “ the systems grow fractally at the edge of chaos " . geosystems are both very important and complex open , far - from - equilibrium , interacting , large , dissipative dynamical systems in nature . they possess the innate , essential attribute of self - organized criticality
笔者进一步将四者的相互关系归纳成一个重要的命题:自然界中开放、远离平衡、相互作用的巨大耗散动力学系统的时空演化服从“自组织临界过程动力学” ,并且系统“在混沌边缘分形生长” 。
5.As a step towards such a perspective , pattern formation in generalized cellular automata ( gca ) is studied in this paper , different dynamic behaviors are classified , a definition of edge of chaos is proposed , and experiments are described where self - making patterns emerge which reminiscent of simple living systems . the influence of remembrance to dynamic behavior of gca is also studied
论文研究了一种离散空间的耦合细胞系统:广义细胞自动机( gca )的模式形成过程,对模式演化的动力学行为进行了分类,给出了一个混沌边缘定义,模拟实验显示了在混沌边缘区域类似简单生命系统的自组织模式的突现,同时研究了记忆对gca动力学的影响。
6.And geosystems grow fractally at the edge of chaos . the author deduced and integrated these aspects into a theory of complexity in geosciences named “ dynamics of self - organized critical processes of geological processes ? fractal growth of geosystems at the edge of chaos ” , which is widely applicable to variable geosystems
7.The contents of this theory are divided into six parts , they are : ( 1 ) self - organized criticality , transient chaos , the edge of chaos and weak chaos ; ( 2 ) the coupling and interactions as well as the coherence and cooperation of multicomponents ; ( 3 ) the fractal dynamics of evolutionary processes ; ( 4 ) the spatio - temporal structures of processes ; ( 5 ) the dynamics of fractal growth ; ( 6 ) the theory of finite - size scaling
将上述命题演绎和整合成一种广泛适用于地质系统的地球科学的复杂性理论,名之为: “地质作用的自组织临界过程动力学? ?地质系统在混沌边缘分形生长” ,并将其内容归纳成6部分: ( 1 )自组织临界性、瞬态混沌、混沌边缘和弱混沌, ( 2 )多组分的耦合与相互作用及其相干与协同, ( 3 )演化过程的分形动力学, ( 4 )作用的时空结构, ( 5 )分形生长动力学, ( 6 )有限大小标度理论。
8.Because of " fixed point attractor " , " limit cycle attractor " , " tons attractor " and " strange attractor " dominating the dynamics system , present - day crustal movement presents the various dynamics states such as " stable state ( dynamic balancing state ) " , " period state " , " quasi - period state " , " chaos state " and " edge of chaos "
在”不动点吸引子” 、 “极限环吸引子” 、 “环面吸引子”和“奇异吸引子”的作用下,现今地壳运动呈现出“稳定态(动平衡态) ” 、 “周期态” 、 “拟周期态” 、 “混沌态”和“混沌边缘态”等多种动力学状态。
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