Some recognize and cherish the beauty of simplicity 有人认同并珍视洗练之美。
This movie tersely portrays the characters ' personalities 影片洗练地刻画了人物的性格。
The theatre has a unique shape , a simple exterior appearance and a spectacular indoor d cor 世纪剧院建筑造型独特,外表简约洗练,内装富丽堂皇。
A broad review of china s carving arts of buddhist figures showed that figures mainly followed the indian styles at the beginning . the northern and southern dynasties made some essential changes and improvements 宋代的佛像雕刻品,虽然在数量和规模上逊于唐代,但其饱满瑰丽的作风和洗练圆熟的手法则有过之而无不及。
The poem , shan ju qiu ming , is the most excellent one which describes the mountain and river , using brief words , explicit pictures , and forms further scene and is filled of beauty ; and at the same time in the scene the feature is exhibited 摘要《山居秋暝》以洗练的笔墨绘出画面,形成幽远的意境,充满了诗情画意之美,而在所绘意境中又处处透出丰采神韵,深得情景交融之妙,不愧为山水诗中的珍品佳作。
It was the speech , mark you , the professor said , of a finished orator , full of courteous haughtiness and pouring in chastened diction , i will not say the vials of his wrath but pouring the proud man s contumely upon the new movement “那篇讲演嘛,你们注意听着, ”教授说, “是雄辩家完美的演说词。既彬彬有礼,又奔放豪迈,用语洗练而流畅。对于新兴的运动虽然还说不上是把惩戒的愤怒倾泄出来, 205但总归是倾注了高傲者的侮辱。
This strengthening diminishes the unconscious fear of the inability to return to the physical plane . silver is used extensively with gemstones because it is able to attract and retain unto itself the qualities emitted by the gemstone . this ability provides a steadying influence for the jewel 更重要的是,银饰洗练明亮却不矫作张扬的光芒,最适宜配搭春天色彩明媚鲜艳的衣装,它绝对不会掩盖服饰的美丽,却仿佛人们项间腕上的一句楚楚动人的情诗。