[ pōla ] 1.(凶悍而不讲理) rude and unreasonable; fierce and unreasonable; fierce and tough 2.(文章有力) pungent; forceful 短语和例子 泼辣的文风 a strong literary style; 文章写得泼辣。 the article is written in a pungent style.3.(有魄力) bold and vigorous 短语和例子 工作泼辣 be bold and vigorous in one's work
文章写得泼辣: the article is written in a pungent style. bold and vigorous
Example Sentences:
The article is written in a pungent style . 文章写得泼辣。
Spirited girl! he thought . 真是个泼辣的姑娘!他想。
He admired the effrontery with which she bargained . 他挺佩服她讨价还价的那股泼辣劲。
He counted on lizzie for her sense of humor, her sense of the outrageous . 他欣赏利齐的幽默感和泼辣劲。
A termagant wife may, in some respects, be considered a tolerable blessing . 从某些方面来说,有一个泼辣的妻子,也可以看作是可容忍的福气。
A termagant wife may, therefore, in some respects, be considered a tolerable blessing . 因此,从某些方面来说,有个泼辣的妻子,也可以看作是相当有福气的。
The tall captain's words were warm in her ear, the kind of bold, sweet words an alii liked . 魁伟的船长的话给她带来了暖意,这种既泼辣又温存的语言是哪个阿里都喜欢听的。
Increasingly, he went through the motions of governing, without the bite or the occasional fits of frenzy . 在料理国事时,他越来越缺乏过去那种尖锐泼辣,甚至偶尔如痴若狂的工作精神。
This was no longer the flaunting hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman . 她已不复有那个在路上嘲讽他们时的洋洋得意的泼辣风度,而变成一个丧魂落魄,胆战心惊的女人了。
They saw only the cool, efficient woman who dashed around the countrythe arms and legs of polio-impaired husband . 人们只见到这个沉静而泼辣能干之女人奔波于全国各地为她患脊髓灰质炎致残的丈夫充当手和脚。