镇: Ⅰ名词1.(镇守的地方) garrison post 短语和例子军事重镇 strategic post2.(行政区划单位) town 短语和例子小镇 townlet; 镇民 townsfolk; townsman; 乡镇 villages and towns3.(较大的市集) trading centre 短语和例子集镇 market town4.(姓氏) a surnam
江: 名词1.(大河) (large) river 短语和例子在江心 in the middle of a river; 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。 a steel railway bridge spans the yalu river.2.(指长江) the changjiang [yangtze] river 短语和例子大江东去。 eastward flows the chan