| 1. | Most conventional permanent magnet motors can accept an armature current three or four times the rated current . 大多数普通的永磁式电动机能承受34倍额定值的电枢电流。 |
| 2. | Permanent magnet d . c . motors for pagers 寻呼机用永磁式直流电动机 |
| 3. | Design of speed control system of permanent magnet dc torque motor 永磁式直流力矩电动机稳速系统设计 |
| 4. | Type 36byr21 p . m . stepping motor 36byr21型永磁式步进电动机 |
| 5. | Low - speed magneto synchronous motor 永磁式低速同步电动机 |
| 6. | Permanent magnet direct current torque motors - general specification for 永磁式直流力矩电动机通用技术条件 |
| 7. | Torque motor , d . c . permanent magnet , series j250lyx , specification for J250lyx系列永磁式直流力矩.电动机详细规范 |
| 8. | Permanent magnet d . c . torque motor , type j25lyx01 , detail specification for J25lyx01型永磁式直流力矩电动机详细规范 |
| 9. | Torque motor , d . c . permanent magnet types j250lyx16 , detail specification for J250lyx16型永磁式直流力矩电动机详细规范 |
| 10. | Type j320lyx03g torque motors , d . c . permanent magnet , detail specification for J320lyx03g型永磁式直流力矩电动机详细规范 |