| 1. | Underwater acoustic resistance 水下声阻抗 |
| 2. | It is well known that array processing technique is a main branch of underwater acoustic signal processing and multi - target parameter estimation 阵列处理是水下声信号处理的重要组成部分,是进行水下目标参数估计的重要环节。 |
| 3. | Underwater acoustic imaging teclmology has played an irreplaceable role in many situations . wth wide applying foreground , it has been paid more attention 水下声成像技术在水下探测领域中的诸多场合发挥着不可替代的作用,具有广泛的应用前景,日益得到人们的重视。 |
| 4. | The underwater acoustic signal is the main information for the underwater detection and identification system , so it is very important to get the acoustic signal efficiently 摘要水下声信号是水下探测系统实现对水中目标远程探测识别的主要信息之一,有效获取水下声信号是一个十分重要的问题。 |
| 5. | In order to be applicable to practical underwater systems , several kinds of the blind beamforming algorithms were discussed in this thesis , and direction - of - arrival ( doa ) estimation based on bbf is also discussed 针对水下声系统的应用背景,本文对盲波束形成算法做了系统的分析与讨论,并对基于盲波束形成的目标波达方向估计进行了研究。 |
| 6. | In the recent years , along with the development of the production technology of the vector hydrophone , more and more people notice the importance of the detect and measure technology of underwater acoustic vector signal , and it is applied in more and more fields 近年来,随着矢量水听器的制造技术的不断进步,使得水下声矢量信号的探测和测量技术日益受到人们的关注,应用领域也不断扩大。 |
| 7. | With the characteristics of the underwater acoustic channel , media access control protocols at data link layer adopt the maca protocol which uses rts - cts exchange to solve the hidden and exposed situation and automatically control power 在数据链路层的设计中针对水下声信道的特点,对于介质访问控制协议采用了maca协议,它使用rts - cts控制报文握手机制来解决uan中的隐蔽终端、暴露终端以及功率控制问题。 |
| 8. | A vector hydrophone is composed of two or three spatially co - located but orthogonally oriented velocity hydrophones plus another optional co - located pressure hydrophone . this paper introduces an underwater acoustic eigenstructure esprit - based algorithm that yields closed - form direction - of - arrival ( doa ) estimates using a single vector hydrophone 矢量水听器是由质点振速传感器和声压传感器复合而成的,相对于传统的声压水听器,可以获取水下声矢量信号,为水下信号的检测和估计提供了更为丰富的声场信息。 |
| 9. | The underwater - radio buoy for use as obtaining the ocean " s acoustical parameters is a underwater acoustic signals record system which has long distance radio remote control and data transmit function . the technology key of the dissertation study is that under the requirements of the system the monitor and record equipment on the acoustic source vessel , the monitor and record equipment on control vessel command and control the work slate of the buoy system by radio data transmitting mode of short wave transmitter - receiver 海洋环境参数获取浮标监测系统属于具有长距离无线电遥控?数传功能的水下声信号接收记录系统,本论文研究目标的技术关键在于根据系统要求,指挥船和发射船监控记录设备通过短波电台以无线数传方式,对浮标系统的工作状态进行指挥和控制,浮标则通过同一短波信道向指挥船上报浮标方位、工作状态、关键数据及非常状态下的报警信号等。 |