| 1. | Women were looked down upon in the old society . 妇女在旧社会受歧视。 |
| 2. | They infringe the principle of non-discrimination . 他们违犯了非歧视原则。 |
| 3. | It is against federal law to discriminate against blacks . 歧视黑人是违反联邦法律的。 |
| 4. | At a deeper lever, it has a sexist component . 在更深一层意义上,它含有性别歧视的成分。 |
| 5. | Much still remains to be done to wipe out discrimination . 消除歧视仍然有大量工作要做。 |
| 6. | Job discrimination, as described here, presents a paradox . 这里描述的职业歧视提出了一个迷。 |
| 7. | Protection for domestic industry is admittedly discriminatory . 保护本国工业是种名正言顺的歧视。 |
| 8. | The law does not discriminate against the poor and favour the rich . 法律决不歧视穷人而偏袒富人。 |
| 9. | The discrimination against agriculture derives from several factors . 对农业的歧视是由若干因素造成的。 |
| 10. | I yield to no one in my personal distaste for discrimination . 我本人厌恶歧视,这一点我对任何人都不让步。 |