深度: 1.(深浅程度) degree of depth; depth 短语和例子河水的深度 the depth of the river; 通过疏浚保持河道的深度。 the depth of the river is maintained by dredging.2.(触及事物本质的程度) profundity; depth 短语和例子一篇表现出思想深度的文章 an articl
止: Ⅰ动词1.(停止; 拦阻) stop; cut out 短语和例子终止 stop; end; 中止 stop halfway; discontinue; suspend; 止住伤口出血 stop a wound2.(截止) close; end 短语和例子止于本月末 close at the end of this month; 申请到本月25日止。 the 25th of