| 1. | Model checking is then used to check whether a program has a given property 然后使用模型检查来检验一个程序是否有某个给定特性。 |
| 2. | Over the last decade the use of model checking to verify the presence or absence of properties has gained prominence 近十年以来,使用模型检查来验证有无某些特性已经成为主流。 |
| 3. | Model checking , a technique for verifying the existence or non - existence of certain temporal properties in a program is also a static analysis 模型检查,是验证一程序中是否存在某些暂时性特性的一种技术,它也是静态分析。 |
| 4. | A middle layer provides translation between the user syntax and lf , and allows additional support for reasoning e . g . , model checking 一个中间层提供了一个用户语法和lf之间的翻译,还对推理给予附加的自动支持例如模型检查。 |
| 5. | This idea provided the foundation for the justification of the corresponding work flow functional requirement to the formal semantics by means of model examination 为使用模型检查方法来验证与形式化语义对应的工作流功能需求奠定了基础。 |
| 6. | Loosely speaking , model checking is a way to check for the existence of a finite state machine ( specification ) in another finite state machine ( program ) 不严格地说,模型检查是在一个有限状态机器(程序)中检验另一个有限状态机器(清单)存在性的一个方法。 |
| 7. | A widely distributed software package that supports the formal verification of distributed systems - is an example of temporal logic model checking for hardware verification 一种支持分布式系统的正式验证且广泛发布的软件包是用于硬件验证的时态逻辑模型检查的示例。 |
| 8. | An approach for formally analyzing distributed control systems at architectural level is illustrated by applying software architecture description and model checking techniques 利用软件体系结构的思想,基于事件通知服务中间件和模型检查技术,对分布式控制系统进行了形式化分析与设计。 |
| 9. | This paper expatiates on requirement analysis , design and implementation of synchroflow workflow modeling and simulation tool , introduces process modeling and document management , and mainly discusses workflow model check and simulation analysis 本文阐述了synchroflow工作流建模和仿真工具的需求分析、设计和实现,介绍了企业过程建模和过程文档的管理,重点讨论了工作流模型检查和仿真分析。 |
| 10. | Thus , a formal architecture description language , called adl / promela , which is used to express the architecture of distributed control system , is designed , and in order to analyze and check in formal way , the adl / promela is mapped into the formal model which can be analyzed and checked by spin 设计了分布式控制系统体系结构的形式化描述语言adl promela ,并将adl promela体系结构模型映射成模型检查工具spin可以分析的形式化模型,运用模型检查技术对分布式控制系统进行分析和检查,以提高分布式控制系统的设计与开发质量。 |