| 1. | Effect of applying sri to single - crop late rice 在单季晚稻上的应用效果 |
| 2. | Experimentation of transpiration rate and influence factors of late rice 晚稻蒸腾速率及其影响因素试验研究 |
| 3. | Jiunong 712 , a new late - cropping hybrid rice combination with good grain quality 优质杂交晚稻新组合九农712 |
| 4. | Comparison between different types of single - cropping late rice combinations 桃江县一季晚稻杂交组合品种比较试验 |
| 5. | Damages and occurrence analysis of chilo suppressalis in late rice field 晚稻中后期二化螟为害特点及严重发生原因剖析 |
| 6. | Uniform normal plant population of 1 . 35 million plants / ha was used for late rice 晚稻一致采用正常植株密度135万株/公顷。 |
| 7. | High - yielding seed production techniques for new late indica hybrid rice combination yueyou 杂交晚稻新组合岳优26高产制种技术 |
| 8. | Yueyou 26 , a new late - cropping indica hybrid rice combination with high yield and good quality 优质高产籼型杂交晚稻新组合岳优26 |
| 9. | Table 1 shows the calculation of the mpp for potash on early and late rice in hubei 表1所示为湖北省早、晚稻钾肥施用的边际产量。 |
| 10. | Deep litter system for management of livestock manure : profile characteristics of litter in deep - litter system 肥处理下晚稻产量呈显著下降 |