[ chūnfēnghuàyǔ ] (比喻良好的教育) life-giving spring breeze and rain -- salutary influence of education; stimulating influence of teacher compared to spring atmosphere; the kindly influence of a good teacher; the stimulating influence of a good teacher
Example Sentences:
52 the highest form of expressing love is like the breeze and rain - the serve without saying “春风化雨、润物无声” ?这是爱的最高境界。
Yet , nothing could have induced me to make you this present of my poor endeavours , were i not encouraged by that candour and native goodness which is so bright a part in your lordship ' s character 但是如果爵爷不是那样光风霁月,春风化雨,光明磊落,使人顽廉懦立,我仍不会把我这个可怜的成绩献给爵爷。
In his speech , dr simon li recalled that his late father was a humble and generous gentleman , with particular concern for education . he had benefited his kinsmen in hokshan by founding a high school in his hometown 李福善博士在典礼上致辞时表示,李冠春太平绅士为人谦让自持,乐善好施,对教育事业尤其重视,曾慷慨捐赀开办中学,春风化雨。
The teaching career has always been regarded as noble and sacred . the teachers persistent and painstaking efforts have fostered innumerable talents for society , which accounts for the world s civilization of today 在教育系统上,教师的工作一向被视为非常崇高且神圣,由于他们的辛勤不懈和春风化雨般的教诲,为社会培育了无数英才,我们的世界才得以有今日的文明。