I am not so violently bent upon my own opinion as to reject any offer proposed by wise men . 我并不刚愎自用,以至于对时贤高见一概排斥。
With the analysis that the year was divided from two seasons to four seasons , this article probes the order of universal come - to - be of the taiyishengshui : at first , the order of sishi was not such as spring - summer - autumn - winter , but as winter - spring - summer - autumn ; the second , with promoting in universal come - to - be , the yin - qi was regarded as dominating in winter - spring , and the yang - qi dominating in summer - autumn ; the third , that the yin - qi came from sky and the yang - qi from the earth is a important characteristic of early taoist cosmology 摘要本文从中国古代对岁的划分从二时到四时的发展入手,综合探讨太一生水篇所呈现的宇宙生成顺序:首先,此处的四时顺序不当如时贤所云之春夏秋冬,应做冬春夏秋方为合理;其次,此处的阴阳二气在宇宙生成序列中正处于上升的过程中,其与四时的配置是阴气主导冬春,而阳气主导夏秋;第三,阴气出乎天,而阳气出乎地,这个观念是早期道家宇宙论思想的一个重要特点。