When the mosquito bites, it releases the sporozoites, which enter human liver cells through the bloodstream and reproduce asexually . 蚊虫叮咬人的时候就释放出子孢子,它通过血流进入肝细胞,并且进行无性生殖。
But grape varieties are normally propagated as cuttings ; in other words , clones 但是葡萄往往采用嫁接的方式繁殖,换言之,是一种无性生殖(克隆) 。
Q : master , we recently have commenced with cloning , and my son asked me : what happens to the soul if a human is cloned 问:最近有人研究无性生殖,我儿子问我,若这样生人出来,其灵魂是怎么一回事?我无法回答他。