Songshu , written by shenyue , is a book about the history of liusong dynasty 《宋书》 ,梁沈约撰,是刘宋王朝完整的纪传体断代史。
Through such endeavours , together with the copious dynastic histories and district records , china has had no dark ages in the evolution of its 5000 - year old civilisation 因为有这一方面的努力,加上丰富的历代断代史和方志,中国在5000年文化的演变过程中,未曾有过一个“黑暗时代” 。
Through such endeavours , together with the copious dynastic histories and district records , china has had no " dark ages " in the evolution of its 5000 - year old civilisation 因为有这一方面的努力,加上丰富的历代断代史和方志,中国在5000年文化的演变过程中,未曾有过一个“黑暗时代” 。
Dynasty , history of ancient and modern china , revolutionary history of kaifeng , arts and crafts of the ming and qing dynasty , collection of relics , jewish diaspora in ancient china , and so on 二楼南展厅是《宋代历史陈列》 ,也是开封博物馆最具代表性的断代史陈列。开封是北宋旧都,外地来汴,以一睹宋都旧貌为快。
It is requisite to have an overall integration of microcosmic achievements accumulated through twenty - year studies on china ' s periodic history and particular history so as to renew and develop a general sense of the history of china 摘要20馀年来断代史与专史积累的微观研究成果,亟需全局性的整合,用以更新和发展有关中国历史的通感。
Shiji and hanshu are the important resource on the chinese history research . shiji is the general history and hanshu is the dynastic history . in the records , there are part superpositions between the two works 《史记》 《汉书》是汉语史研究的重要资料,其中《史记》是通史, 《汉书》是断代史,两书中对汉代历史的记载有一部分是重合的。