掇山五法: five methods" of rock pilingfive methods” of rock piling
Example Sentences:
Great men are not allowed to marry their sons and daughters as they like . 伟大的人物不能随着他们的喜爱去掇合儿女的婚事。
Summary of treatment with syndrom differentiation on tonic rachitis 强直性脊柱炎辨治掇要
Its not all cleared away down there , and vassilitch fairly knocked up 那边什么都没收掇好呢,瓦西里奇累坏了。
Chinese charms on foreign stamps 世界华人邮票掇英
Ccm 掇 bookroom and ccm publishers are set up to serve the chinese churches in north america 中信出版的刊物及影音材料,均免费赠阅或借出,而出版社及书室,亦以服务教会为主。
This report also summarizes a review of the literature on the management of de novo fournier 掇 gangrene cases with rectal cancers and discusses the role and timing of radiation therapy in such cases 这篇文章同时也回顾了文献上有关同时有直肠癌并发福尼耳坏疽之病例,并对放疗之时机作一讨论。
All members will receive foe 掇 monthly web - based newsletter and quarterly magazine 浯 ne earth ? , also enjoy discount rate for renting education materials and the opportunities to join special organized events and activities 所有会员将收到地球之友每月网上通讯,及一个地球季刊;并享有租用环保教材折扣优惠及优先参与地球之友活动。
Nevertheless , he sat tight , just viewing the slightly soiled photo creased by opulent curves , none the worse for wear , however , and looked away thoughtfully with the intention of not further increasing the other s possible embarrassment while gauging her symmetry of heaving embonpoint 尽管如此,他依然端坐在那里,瞅着那张丰满的曲线起了皱折稍带点污迹的照片,然而它并未由于陈旧而变得逊色。为了不至于进一步增添对方在掂掇她那隆起的丰腴231胸脯的匀称美时可能感到的窘迫,他体贴入微地把视线移开了。