| 1. | Introduction of fishing licensing scheme for all vessels involved in commercial fishing 为所有商业捕鱼船引入渔牌制度。 |
| 2. | Of the current number of fishing vessels and how it compares with that 10 years ago (一)现时的捕鱼船数目,以及与十年前如何比较; |
| 3. | Are you a fish , when fishing boats set up a dragnet you how to escape reassurance 你是一条鱼,当捕鱼船设下天罗地网,你怎么逃出去呢? |
| 4. | Introduction : are you a fish , when fishing boats set up a dragnet you how to escape reassurance 你是一条鱼,当捕鱼船设下天罗地网,你怎么逃出去呢? |
| 5. | However , these vast distances increase the albatrosses " chance of encountering a fishing fleet 也正是这样的长途跋涉增加了信天翁碰上捕鱼船的几率。 |
| 6. | Of the total number of fishing vessels at the end of each of the past three years , together with a breakdown by their types (二)过去三年,每年年底的捕鱼船总数及分类数字; |
| 7. | Whether it has studied the causes of the large number of fishermen selling their fishing vessels in recent years ; if it has , of the findings , and (三)有否研究近年大量渔民变卖捕鱼船的原因;若有,研究的结果;及 |
| 8. | Many fishermen have told me that owing to financial difficulties , they had to sell their fishing vessels to maintain their livelihood , thus causing the local fishing industry to dwindle 不少渔民向本人表示,他们因经济拮据而需变卖捕鱼船以维持生计,以致本港的捕鱼业萎缩。 |
| 9. | Section 7 inspection of fishing vessel and fishing gear ? the inspection of fishing vessel ( catcher ) and fishing gear shall be annual and the request shall be made three ( 3 ) days before the said actual inspection 第七节渔船和渔具的检验? ?渔船(捕鱼船)和渔具应当每年进行检验,检验要求应当在实际检验前三( 3 )天提出。 |
| 10. | By introducing a licensing system and controlling the number of fishing licences i . e . limiting the entrants , the flp provides a framework for reducing the fishing effort , in turn slowing down the extraction rate of marine resources 透过引进发牌制度,以及规管牌照数目即限制牌照拥有人数目,鱼牌制度能减少捕鱼船数目,从而减慢海洋资源的开采速度。 |