[ ànbùjiùbān ] 1.follow the prescribed order; conform to ancient customs [style]; creep before you walk.; do sth. according to routine; first things first; follow strictly prescribed routine; go [act] each according to his duties; in accordance with the prescribed; in a proper order; keep to conventional [fixed] ways of doing things; learn to say before you sing.; observe office routine; perform routine duties; proceed in order; run before you leap.; step by step; work strictly by [according to] protocol 2.the officials complied according to ranks, with the titled, cabinet ministers and heads of the ministries in front.; the officials of the six bureaus of the palace lined the steps according to rank, the military ones at the west and the civil at the east
Negotiations were conducted in a businesslike manner . 谈判按部就班地进行。
He is a systematic researcher . 他是个按部就班的研究者。
I should set down what happened regularly day by day . 我应按部就班地一天天接着写下去。
I replied that the various functions would all sort themselves out in practice . 我回答说,在实际中,各种职能都会自动按部就班的。
It is best to establish second-generation orchards on a deliberate step-wise time scale . 对于营建第二代种子园,最好就是深思熟虑,按部就班。
In her habits, she was a living impersonation of order, method, and exactness . 她的生活习惯活生生地体现了井井有条,按部就班和精密细致等准则。
Anna put up patiently with all her aunt's whims, gradually set to work on her sister's education . 安娜耐心地忍受她姨母的一切怪脾气,按部就班地安排她妹妹的教育。
These two things had been nearly as difficult to learn as how to settle down and paint in a steady and well-ordered way . 学会这两点就象学会安心定居下来,踏踏实实,按部就班画画一样,很不容易。
Therefore for collecting pre-quake signals it is not possible to depend only on a small number of people making methodical observations . 因此搜集临震信息就不可能仅仅依靠少数人按部就班地进行观察。
This was no time for red tape and circumlocution, although these have their place in a well-ordered, placid system . 官僚习气和推三拖四的作风,在按部就班、平平稳稳的秩序里还可以,但现在却不合时宜。