Send without delay warrant of arrest to bombay 速寄拘票至孟买英属印度。
The warrant had not come 还是没有拘票!
It had not reached the office ; indeed , there had not yet been time for it to arrive 实际上,在福克动身以后才发出的拘票。也不会这么快就到孟买。
But how is it that i , fix , who have in my pocket a warrant for his arrest , have been so fascinated by him 我怎么会给他骗住了呢?我费克斯口袋里有抓他的拘票!
Well , thought fix , after a moment of anger , my warrant is not good here , but it will be in england 费克斯在一阵怒气平息了之后对自己说, “我的拘票在这儿是吃不开了。
There would be time for the warrant to arrive , and fortune at last favoured the representative of the law 等拘票的时间是足足有余了。他这位国家法律的代表人今天总算是交了好运了。
It had followed him from bombay , and had come by the carnatic , on which steamer he himself was sub posed to be 他在领事馆终于拿到了那张从孟买开始一直跟在他后面转寄了四十天的拘票。
Still , i must keep this man here until i can get a warrant to arrest him from london . ah , that s your look - out . but i cannot - “可是,领事先生,我需要把这个人留在这儿,等我接到伦敦的拘票,好逮捕他。 ”
As long as mr fogg was on english ground , it was for my interest to detain him there until my warrant of arrest arrived 当福克先生在英国势力范围的时候,拖住福克,对我有好处,因为我要等伦敦寄给我拘票。
Fix rubbed his hands softly with satisfaction ; if phileas fogg could be detained in calcutta a week , it would be more than time for the warrant to arrive 斐利亚福克要在加尔各答坐八天禁闭,伦敦的拘票寄到这儿再慢也要不了八天。